SudburyTV is offering a FREE four-part workshop that gives aspiring producers an introduction to the wide variety of equipment necessary to produce broadcast-quality videos. We offer hands-on training of our portable and studio video cameras, the different types of microphones used, lighting for interviews, as well as editing video in Apple’s Final Cut Pro software. Workshop participants will be allowed to sign out our portable camera kits upon completion of the course. The workshop is free, and open to all members of the Sudbury community. Minimum age 12; participants under grade 9 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
Spring 2023 class will meet Mondays, March 6 - March 27 7:30-9pm, in SudburyTV's Studio at LS, Room A207 For more information email [email protected] Sign up using the Training Sign-Up Form at the bottom of this page. |
SudburyTV is pleased to offer a four part workshop that gives aspiring producers an introduction to the wide variety of equipment necessary to produce broadcast-quality videos. We offer hands-on training of our portable video cameras, the different types of microphones used, tripods, lighting for interviews, shot composition and exposure, as well as editing video in Apple's Final Cut Pro software. Workshop participants will be allowed to sign out our portable camera kits upon completion of the course.
The workshop is free, open to all members of the Sudbury community, and is held twice a year in the Fall and Spring. Dates for upcoming workshops are advertised in the Lincoln-Sudbury Adult Education Brochure, as well as here on the SudburyTV website. Minimum age 12; participants under grade 9 must be accompanied by a parent/guardian. In addition, SudburyTV, in partnership with Sudbury Park and Recreation, offers a 1 week TV Production Workshop geared towards middle school students. Students are taught how to operate the equipment, and are given time to practice. They will then write, shoot, and edit a public service announcement or other short video that will air on SudburyTV. The TV Production Workshop is open to middle school aged students in Sudbury, and is held in July. Dates are advertised in the Sudbury Park and Recreation Summer Camp Brochure, as well as here on the SudburyTV website. Participants register for the workshop through Sudbury Park and Recreation. For additional information please contact education@sudburytv.org. All classes take place in the SudburyTV Studio, unless otherwise noted. |
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